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In the United States, Mother’s Day has several traditions like church attendance, gift-buying, card-sending, family feasts, and receiving carnations. It is also customary for kids to personally deliver gifts or bouquets of fresh flowers to their mothers. The most common flowers are red carnations, but any variety will do. Children who are unable to visit their mothers in person will typically make a phone call or send a card.

Mothers Day traditions

Break Day For Mothers

On this day, American mothers take a break from their regular chores and activities. Due to this, a lot of kids prepare meals for their moms, make them breakfast in the morning, or take them out to dinner. Even at sports events over the Mother’s Day weekend, many athletes wear pink attire.

Carnation flowers on Mother’s Day

It is customary in America to wear flowers on this auspicious day. If someone wears a red or pink flower, it means their mother is alive. If anyone wears white flowers, it indicates their mother passed away. Generally, florists came up with the idea of wearing flowers to increase the sales of their flowers.

Another tradition is to place white carnations on the graves of deceased mothers. Since the first commemoration in 1908, when creator Anna Jarvis donated 500 carnations to the Methodist church in Grafton, the flowers symbolize this holiday. Her own mother loved carnation very much.

Mother’s day dates

Upcoming dates in the United States: